Free Spell Archive:
Every month or so we add free spells, rituals and energy
workings to the list below so check back soon! We have tried to credit the
wherever possible; if you recognize something here that does not have the
credited, please let us know. Feel free to copy the spells as you wish. We do
ask that if you use any part of the spell or ritual on a website for any
that you link back to as the source.
A Note About Spells:
If you are here looking for spells to affect the will
of other people, i.e., make someone love you, harm someone, attain personal
gain at the cost of others, etc... you are in the wrong place. Spells, simply
put, are a way of directing energy to bring about change in YOUR life, not
elses. Change can happen in many ways and that may or may not be in the way
that you expect. Wiccans never perform spells or rituals to harm or affect
will of others, only to affect their own lives in positive ways by drawing
their own energies. Please do not contact us asking for spells to control the
will of others; we cannot and will not help you. There is no
here, it takes many years of practice and attuning to channel your inner
and it is not to be taken lightly. That said, if you are still interested in
learning more about Wicca and/or Paganism, please visit these web links:
Wicca - An Olde Religion
December 2003
: Winter Solstice Ritual, Yule Log
January 2004: Winter Prosperity Spell February 2004 : Imbolc Candle Oil Recipe, Imbolc Ritual March 2004 : Ostara Incense Recipe, Ostara Re-dedication Ritual April 2004 : Casting a Circle, Closing a Circle, May Love Spell May 2004 : Home or Business Protection Spell June 2004 : Full Moon Scrying Ritual July 2004 : Prosperity and Success Spell August 2004 : New Magical Tool Purification Ritual September 2004 : Prosperity and Luck Spell October 2004 : Health and Vitality Spell November 2004 : Releasing Intense Emotions Spell December 2004 : Winter Ritual Bath January 2005 : Springs of Kupala Love for the New Year February 2005 : Mental & Physical Health Spell March 2005 : Bury Your Old Self Spell April 2005 : Vision from the Goddess May 2005 : Relationship Charm Spell June 2005 : Ring of Fire Spell July 2005 : Vacation Spell August 2005 : God/Goddess Incarnate Spell September 2005 : Autumnal Blessing October 2005 : Solitary Samhain Ritual December 2005 : Holiday Relaxation Spell January 2006 : Celtic Tree of Rowan Protection Charm February 2006 : Peace and Love Stone Spell March 2006 : Release Bad Habits Spell April 2006 : Faerie Garden Blessing May 2006 : New Beginnings June 2006 : Protection Jar Spell July 2006 : Recharging Psychic Energy August 2006 : Self Esteem Goddess Spell September 2006 : Violet Healing Spell October 2006 : Anger Release Spell November 2006 : Enthusiasm Spell December 2006 : Safe Travel Spell January 2007 : Egg Spell for Fertility February 2007 : Calm Warring Siblings March 2007 : Contact an Old Friend December 2003 : ( back to top ) Winter Solstice Spell - Perform on the night of Winter Solstice Gather your supplies:
Small Amount of Hollyberry Oil
Yule Log Charge It is best that every owner charge his or her own Yule Log. It is through your own energies that the results you desire will be achieved. Do you truly believe in the power of your log? If the answer is yes, then the answers and gifts you request from it will be honored. Here is a simple Charging Ritual to help you get the most from your log. Gather your supplies:
Chalice (or glass) of water
Place your hand on the log.
January 2004: ( back to top ) Winter Prosperity Spell Gather your supplies:
A piece of ribbon from Yule in your favorite color at least 12 inches
"By the count of one, this spell's begun,
Pass the tied ribbon through the smoke from the candle
three times. Put the ribbon in a safe place for the next year looking and
on it if you need extra strength throughout the year. As the next year
burn the old ribbon and empower a new one!
Imbolc Purification Candle Oil Recipe
Imbolc Ritual
Stand before the altar, holding aloft the candle.
Gaze at its flame. Visualize your life blossoming with creativity, with
energy and strength. Your ritual is now complete. Celebrate with a simple
with friends and family.
March 2004: ( back to top ) Ostara Offering Incense Recipe
Ostara Re-dediction Spell
Re-dedicate yourself to your deities and renew your commitment to the magical life with this ritual. Invite your deities to your circle by lighting candles in their honor. Anoint yourself four times with the following oils: Sandalwood for purity, rosemary for power, lotus for spirituality, and clove for courage. When you are finished say:
Lord and Lady, as you dwell in me,
April 2004: ( back to top ) Casting a Circle
Cleanse your mind and picture the energy of the universe
and nature mixed with your energy. Imagine yourself glowing purple or orange,
whatever works for you. While facing North point your athame, wand, finger,
or whatever you use towards the ground and see the energy flowing out. Begin
to walk clockwise (right) around the circumference of the circle. Imagine a
sphere forming with you inside it, half below the ground and half above
Closing a Circle Close the circle by picking up your athame, wand, finger, or whatever you used to cast it and walk to the corner at which you started. Point at the boundary of the circle and begin to walk counter-clockwise (left) until you complete the circle. While you're walking visualize the circle disappearing and the energy flowing back through the tool. When you are finished say "The circle is open, but unbroken." May Love Spell
May 2004: ( back to top ) Home or Business Protection Spell To bless your home or business, place a bowl of candy, herbs or stones by your front entrance. Bless then bowl's contents by speaking aloud the following verse:
"As all who enter here are Children of the Great Mother,
Invite visitors to take an offering as they enter the premises.
June 2004: ( back to top ) Full Moon Scrying Ritual The upcoming summer months are the perfect time for Full Moon Scrying and I'd like to pass on an old, time honored scrying ritual originally written by D.J. Conway that I have used many times during the long summer nights:
Items Needed:
Perform this ritual outside where the rays of the Moon can fall directly onto the water in the cauldron. If you cannot go outside, stay in a darkened room near a window that the Moon shines through. Place the coin in the water and take the cauldron in both hands. Gaze up at the Moon and say:
"Lovely Lady of the night,
Look down at the coin shimmering in the cauldrons water.
With your eyes half closed, adjust your vision as if you were looking into
through the coin. Don't try to analuze anything you might see or that might
come into your mind. Just accept it. Some people, rathar than seeing actual
pictures within the cauldron, will have mental impressions, feelings or
When you have finished, bow to the Moon and say thank you. Pour the water out
on the ground. You're done!
July 2004: ( back to top )
Prosperity and Success
"Glistening silver coin of the Moon,
Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs and three drops of oil. Using your power hand, stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron and chant:
"Earth elements, cunning and bright,
Place the herbs and the coins in the talisman bag. Carry this with
you until the Full Moon goes through her phases and returns to Full.
August 2004: ( back to top )
Purification Ritual for
New Magical Tools
Whenever you buy a new tool for magical workings it is important that the tool is purified. This is a simple purification ritual that I use to cleanse my new magical tools:
Ignite the herbs and let them smolder awhile. As the smoke curls about you pass your tool through the smoke and say:
"Smoke rise,
The item is now ready to use!
September 2004: ( back to top ) Prosperity and Luck Spell
Light the Gold Candle. Focus on the changes you would like to happen. Hold the stone in your hand and focus those changes "into" the stone. Visualize your energy combining with the stone and say these words:
"Changing energies,
Visualize the release of energy to the universe. Extinguish
the candle. Keep the stone with you as a reminder to be alert for new
or as in the words of Lucille Ball:
October 2004: ( back to top ) Health and Vitality Spell
Cut a circle from a white or yellow piece of paper.
Write on the paper the words Health and Vitality. Add any specific health
you wish to deal with, and in the center of the paper place a bay leaf, a
amount of cinnamon, and three grains of rice. Fold the paper into a packet to
hold the ingredients. Take the packet in hand for a moment and concentrate on
your healing intentions, sending that energy into the package. Place the
in a fireproof container and light it on fire. As it burns, say;
November 2004: ( back to top ) Releasing Intense Emotions Spell Perform this easy spell to calm yourself when dealing with intense emotional family or other issues. By ridding yourself of this excess emotional energy, you will allow your mind and body to stay healthy during this stressful season.
"I release these words, I release this tension, I release this negativity from my life"
You're done!
December 2004: ( back to top ) Winter Ritual Bath During the Winter Solstice/Christmas Season we often place too much emphasis on celebrating and sharing this joyous holiday. It is often helpful amongst all the stress to atune to a quiet, internal spirituality. To begin to do so, prepare a ritual bath with oils of rosemary, pine and orange. Add a touch of patchouli for grounding. Light gold and green candles and immerse yourself in the watery solitude to refresh your weary holiday spirit. Meditate on the Winter Goddess and her lesson of stillness. Find the cool and clean space she offers, free of clutter and activity. It is the season for centering and grounding and for defining who we really are. After the bath, take your journal and write down your goals by candlelight. Contemplate the coming re-birth and identify which direction you wish to channel your energies and focus your intentions. -This bath was adapted by one written by Karri Allrich
January 2005: ( back to top )
Springs of Kupala Love
Kupala is the Slavic Goddess of springs and rivers. Her name means "to bathe"; and if you need a new love in the new year; perhaps Kupala can help you. Gather some fragrant flowers, either red or pink in color, and "love" scented bath salts. Fill the bathtub with water and bath salts as directed. Sprinkle some flower petals into the bath water. While you relax in the bath, recite to yourself:
"Kupala, goddess fragrant, dear,
Mountain streams bring fresh and free
Scatter the rest of the flower petals into a moving body of water, and the spell is done! February 2005: ( back to top )
Mental & Physical
Health Spell
Tools Needed:
To the left, light the yellow candle and say:
To the right, light the orange candle and say:
Thank the candles and extinguish them. Now you're ready for the season
of light to return!
March 2005: ( back to top )
Bury Your Old Self Spell
If you are bothered by an aspect of your personality that you would like to let go of, then take a new potato and a knife (or your athame) and carve the potato into an image that represents the aspect to you. At midnight, take the carved potato our into a field (or wherever you can find relatively undisturbed dirt) and bury it in the ground. As you do, repeat these words:
"With this image, I
You're done. As the image under the earth dissolves, so will the quality you want to be rid of!
April 2005: ( back to top ) Vision from the Goddess
If you seek divine inspiration of guidance on this
day, scatter candles liberally but safely, around a room. Half-fill a small
cauldron or large bowl with water and add some floating candles. Light all
candles, leaving the floating ones for last. Ground and center yourself,
on a particular deity if you wish. When you feel ready, gaze into the bottom
of the cauldron, focusing, yet not focusing, on the flames and motion of the
water. Spend some time afterward meditating upon the vision that you
You may want to write down what you saw as well as what you think it meant,
for future use.
May 2005: ( back to top ) Relationship Charm Spell On the night of a waxing Moon gather a pink candle, two rose petals, lavender oil and a small china plate. Cast a circle and light the candle. Contemplate the flame as a symbol of love's light. Place the rose petals on the plate and add three drops of oil while saying:
"Love's truth burns bright,
Tip the candle to drip wax onto the petals, enough to form a coin sized token. Mold the wax and the petals together. Keep this token safe for six Moons then bury it beneath a rose bush. June 2005: ( back to top ) Ring of Fire Spell This spell is based on a little-known solar ritual from the Aegean islands. Long ago on the night before the Summer Solstice, hoops were set ablaze, and the villagers woudl guide the Sun's return by jumping though rings of fire. You can create your own ring of fire with this spell. At dusk, outdoors if possible, light four candles of appropriate color, one for each season, in a circle. In the center place a gold or yellow candle for the Sun. Light the seasonal candles and say:
"Seasons must turn,
Light the Sun candle and say:
"Shining One,
Jump over your lit candles if you dare. Meditate on each Season and Thank the Sun for it's return as you put out the candles.
July 2005: ( back to top ) A Vacation Spell For a change of pace you may want to try using some magic to decide the best destination for a quick get away. You will need a pendulum and a map. Narrow down your choices to between three and five destinations and spread the map in front of you. First, as the pendulum to show you a "no" answer and a "yes" answer. When you have determined which way it swings for yes and no, hold it over each sight. Ask aloud if this would be a good place for your vacation. The pendulum will swing giving you a yes or no answer. If the pendulum swings in circles or vibrates wildy, avoid that location. When the pendulum answers yes to one or more locations you have your destinations! August 2005: ( back to top )
God/Goddess Incarnate
Tools Needed:
The divine is all around us. To tap into the spirit of the divine in your daily life, gather together two pink candles, some jasmine or gardenia oil, some rosemary herb, a mirror and a pink cloth large enough to cover the mirror. Sit before the mirror, eyes closed, and breathe in the energy of the earth and sky. Fill yourself with light. Open your eyes and see yourself filled with light. Anoint the outline of your face with the oil and speak the following verse three times:
"I am the Goddess (or God) Incarnate.
I am beautiful. I am loved." Cover the mirror with the pink cloth. Repeat the verse any time you are feeling lonely, down on yourself or unloved. September 2005: ( back to top )
God/Goddess Incarnate
At this time of the year, the balance between dark and light it's great to try and find your own balance using an Autumnal Blessing. It can easily be adapted for a group or solitary: Use a White and Black candle, placed side by side, for this ritual. Breathe in the glow that comes from the equal balance of day and night. Decorate your sacred space with fruits and grain and harvest leaves as you slowly speak this verse:
"Protection covers me and mine,
Mabone comes with balance dear,
Second Harvest abudance flows,
We fill our stores though Harvest Moon,
Harvest brings both hope and fear,
Bless this house with abundance clear,
Strength of the cycles for all to see,
Red, Yellow, Brown and Amber,
My spirit embrace the dwindling light,
Protection and safety there will be,
The balance now is perfect and right.
Searching she goes and searching she will be,
Mabon's magic dances in me,
October 2005: ( back to top )
Solitary Samhain Ritual
Tools needed:
Call elements
Invoke deities by saying:
Light the God Candle and say:
Face Altar Saying:
Light Goddess candle and say:
Cycling of the year:
Take the blade, and grapes [or apple]. Cut into fruit
(apples or grapes); place on a plate, and offer it upwards & then hold it
in front of you.
Eat, and pause to think about the end of summer. Place knife on altar. Say: "Summer ends. Winter begins. The fields lie fallow, and the beast sleep in their homes. The Lord passes the mantle of guidance to the Lady as the nights grow cold and long." Take blade & pomegranate. Cut into it, place on plate; offer it upwards, then hold it in front of you. "I eat this first fruit of winter. May I feel the chill that ripened this fruit in the rind. May I taste the richness of life hidden away." Eat, and pause to think of what winter will bring.
Say: "Hekate Apotropaios, averter of evil--control the wrath of the dead, whose spirits cry out for vengeance, and who may lash out at anyone they can reach. Protect the living from their rage. Hekate Chthonia, lady of the underworld--you have dominion over the hostile spirits who wander; guide them to their resting places, and seal the gates between the worlds. Hekate Phosphoros, light-bringer--bring us light and guidance as we stand in this doorway, this transition between peace and war. Let your torches show us the truths hidden in the shadows; lead us out of this darkness." Remembrance & contemplation: "I now remember and honor those who have died this past year." Face altar, and mention someone who has passed in the last year that you will miss. This does not need to be someone you know personally. If you have incense, light a stick and wave it in a circle, or put another pinch on the charcoal for each person you mention. (Or light a candle.) If you have a token of the person (an item of theirs, or a photo), place it on the altar. Continue until you've had the chance to remember as many people as you care to. Pause. Simple Feast--cakes & wine, or whatever you want Thank and release the Gods and Goddesses "Pan, lord of the fields in summer, thank you for your presence, for sharing your joy in life. Before you depart to your winter realms, I drink deep in your honor" [raise cup, drink, spill some in libation bowl, set it down & raise hands over head]... "Hail Pan! Hail & farewell!" "Hekate, lady of night & magic, thank you for your presence, for extending your protection. Before you depart to take up your winter duties, I drink deep in your honor" [raise cup, drink, spill some in libation bowl, set it down & raise hands over head] "Hail Hekate! Hail & farewell!"
Open the circle
December 2005: ( back to top ) Holiday Relaxation Spell
Take some time today to de-stress:
Sit before the bowl for several more moments. Let the candle burn till it burns out. Pour the water onto the ground and feel your stress and anxiety going with it. Tell yourself that the earth has taken your stress away. Give thanks.
January 2006: ( back to top )
Celtic Tree of Rowan
Protection Charm
Also known as the Mountain Ash, the Rowan tree has long enjoyed magical eminence for it's protective properties. WIth the festival of Imbolc just around the corner, it is a perfect time to clear your space of negative energy by making a protection charm for the remaining winter days ahead: Burn a sprig of rosemary to cleanse your home, sweeping the rooms widdershins (counterclockwise) to banish stagnant energy. If possible, find a branch or twig from a Rowan/Mountain Ash tree. If Rowan is not available, use a sturdy branch of Rosemary. Wind a red ribbon around the branch and with each wind say:
"The power of Rowan
Hang the branch above your door.
February 2006: ( back to top ) Peace and Love Stone Spell Love and peace are powers greater than we can know, but we can tap into the energies that surround these concepts and bring them into the new day by annointing a rose quartz with gardenia today. As you anoint the stone, whisper "peace" and "love" to yourself, magnifying the energy in the stone. Carry the stone with you today and any day you desire peace and love. A few times each day, take a moment to slow and deepen your breathing. Holding the stone in your hand, inhale and say the work "peace" to yourself. Feel a peaceful sensation fill your body. As you exhale, think of the word "love" and see a loving pink light flow through you into the world. Repeat two or three more times and any time you need to feel the spell.
March 2006: ( back to top )
Release Bad Habits Spell
Springtime is the perfect time to release yourself from unwanted habits and negative energy. To release bad habits, cook with an onion. Before beginning breathe the energy of the earth into the knife. As you cut the onion, say to yourself: "Here I see into my core and accept myself for all that I am, and I release that which no longer serves me." If there are specific habits you want to eliminate, visualize them as you cut the onion. Energize the pan as you did the knife. As you cook the onion say: "Heat of fire, heat of life; Transform these habits before my sight." Visualize your bad habits transforming and see the patterns you prefer filling the onion and the other food. Give Thanks for the blessing of change and release as you eat. April 2006 : ( back to top )
Faerie Garden Blessing
Springtime is the perfect time to start your new garden. When you arrange your plants be sure to leave a small empty place in your arrangement. According to lore, the fae will come build their homes there and make your garden quite magical! As you plant, say these words to invite your faerie friends:
"Oh, my magic Faerie
May 2006 : ( back to top )
New Beginnings
A White Candle
Instructions: Write your name on the candle while saying:
"Fresh and clean, with flame so pure,
Visualise in vivid detail what you expect from your new life and see new opportunities unfolding. Cut the string in half, letting the pieces fall to the ground. Place them on the cloth while saying:
"Remove your boundaries, Terminus.
Place the key on the cloth while saying:
"Carna, come unlock your doors,
Place the Iris or Orris in the cloth and say:
"Iris (or Orris), help me cross the bridge.
Place the daisy or chamomile in the cloth and say:
"Freya, make all fresh and new.
Gather the edges of the cloth together and tie them with the ribbon to form a pouch. As you knot the ribbon say:
"A brand new life, I start today.
Let the candle burn down, then carry the pouch on your person or in
your purse of pocket for as long as you feel you need it.
June 2006 : ( back to top )
Protection Jar for the
Tools Needed:
Instructions: Cut the threads into 1-to-2 inch lengths and drop them one by one into the jar, say this as you drop each one:
"Bits of thread,
When the jar is full, screw the lid on, lick your index finger and use it to draw a pentagram on the jar lid. Charge the jars protective powers with the following incantation:
"Oh, Hestia of the hearth and home-
Place the jar in as central location as possible in your home July 2006 : ( back to top ) Recharging Psychic Energy Tools Needed:
2 Drops Of Jasmine Oil
Once you have finished, go into the bedroom and burn the oils, cleanse the crystals and then lie on your bed. Place one crystal over your third eye chakra (between the eyebrows) and hold the other two crystals one in each hand. Make sure that the crystal on your forehead is pointing downwards and that the other two are pointing upwards. Visualise a mighty surge of gold heat and energy entering through your feet and climbing through your body and into the palms of your hands, where the crystals light up. This energy will continue rising until it reaches the third crystal, which will light up and release the powers through the top of your head. Enjoy all your senses tingling and the pleasure of being revived again August 2006 : ( back to top )
Self Esteem Spell
Tools Needed:
Imagine a yellow light above your head, which slides down your body, touching every bit of you from top to the tips of your toes. Continue to breathe in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth. Say outloud:
"I am gorgeous,
Repeat this six times in total. When you leave the bath, snuff out the candles and thread the oak leaves on the purple thread. Then, whenever your self-esteem fails you, heat jasmine oil in an oil burner, light the candles, hold up the oak leaves and repeat the chant. When the leaves eventually run out, begin again with new oak leaves and new candles. The oak leaves may be carried with you (in a small box or envelope) in your handbag / bag on (all sorts) of important dates. When touching up your make - up, or getting ready just get out the oak leaves and repeat the mantra to spur you to greater things. September 2006 : ( back to top ) Violet Healing Spell
Tools Needed:
Light the candle and fill the small vase with water. Place the freshly cut violets in the vase and say a chant, focusing on the well-being of the person and the healing of their ailment. Cut a heart out of the purple paper and write the name of the person on one side, and a short but heartfelt "Get Well" message on the other side. Poke a small hole in the top right side of the heart and thread the white string through it, tie it, and attach it to the vase.
Give the little vase of violets to the target person and
await their recovery.
October 2006 : ( back to top ) Anger Release Spell Tools Needed:
A Purple Balloon
Blow up the balloon and write on it the name of the person who has angered you. Then repeat:
"I release my anger correctly,
Pop the balloon, using the pin, and scream at the top of your voice.
Imagine all your destructive energies leaving your system and you feeling
totally satisfied.
November 2006 : ( back to top ) Enthusiasm Spell This is a gift of good mental health, or perhaps a gift of the stars. People who don't get enthusiastic miss a lot. This feeling makes you glow, it makes your blood run faster, it is the fuel that carries you to your goals. Motivation is another form of this feeling. If you want to become more enthusiastic about your life, do this ritual every morning just after you get up and every evening just before you fall asleep. Get a piece of green stone. It can be jasper, malachite, emerald, or jade. Rub it with your hands over the smoke from a little incense (your favorite) and say three times:
Green stone, green star,
Carry the green stone on your body at all times in a little pouch. Even sleep with it under your pillow!
December 2006 : ( back to top )
Safe Travel Spell
Tools Needed:
2 white candles annointed with sandalwood oil.
Altar should be arranged as below:
Light white candles
Repeat the following invocation:
"Hail Mother of the World!
You can either let the candles burn out by themselves, or snuff them
January 2007 : ( back to top )
Egg Spell for Fertility
What You'll Need:
February 2007 : ( back to top )
Calm Warring Siblings
Had the nine Muses fought the way most sisters do, humanity's arts would be much the poorer. To help establish sibling harmony among your children, bind objects symbolic of each child with a six-foot-long brown ribbon. As you do so, repeat: "Binah brought you unto me. Mother goddess, hear this plea. Let my children happy be; bound in soulful harmony." If the Moon is waxing, you should contemplate a growth of love among the siblings; if waning, meditate on diminishing hostility. Pull the ribbon tight, and knot. Every time they fight, think of their goddess-blessed unity. It will not take long for the spell to take practical effect. March 2007 : ( back to top )
Contact and Old Friend
Tools Needed:
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